
Archive for February, 2021

“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” – Colossians 3:15 (NLT)

At this time of year between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday the followers of Jesus broadly observe a step back from their daily routine to reflect on the character and provision of God in His Son, Jesus Christ. It seems to be a very common question in some sectors, “What are you giving up for Lent?”

However, I would like to pose the question from a different perspective. For me, the same question stated differently is – “Who (or what) is shaping your character these days?”

We can easily find something in our lives which we can do without for a season, with multiple benefits. I’m sure I can easily come up with a large number of substances (such as sugar or caffeine) or practices (such as mindless internet surfing or TV reruns) which would do me much good if I didn’t have so much of them, many of them for longer than six weeks.  

However, a deeper issue I’m asking just now is, “Who or what am I allowing to shape my innermost thoughts, feelings, and convictions just now?” Perhaps this Lenten season is a time to take time to reflect and reassess.

My character can easily be shaped by the News Media. I’m often put in an awkward spot of not being the first to “hear the news” of what just happened in the world of instant 24/7 news reporting.  I know some practicing Christians who are literally so tied to the news media or political agendas that it has to dominate and consume a large part of their time and energy. I know my character can easily be shaped – or misshaped –  by the news media. Taking a fast from constant news feeds might be something to seriously consider during Lent – and even longer.

And then there’s Social Media. I just easily counted four main platforms which I somehow got tied into. How did that happen? Keeping up with scores of people – some I know well and others I know very little – can consume so much of my life and energy. I think it’s a good time to reassess just what impact is being made in my life from Social Media. It can bring blessing but so often, like the frog in the kettle, my soul is gradually boiling and I don’t even see it.

My own fallen nature can be very much the center of my thoughts and feelings. The influences of the News and Social Media and the world around me can fuel what is already dark and fallen within me. There has to be a different alternative.

Through a series of old and “new to me” influences, God brought me back around to a discipline that I had neglected for some time. Years ago as a young Christian I had a plan for Scripture Memory and I think it made a difference in my life. Lately, I’m returning to finding better ways to occupy my mind and thought habits and stay further away from influences I don’t like shaping my character.

The late Dallas Willard once suggested that more Christians should be memorizing passages such as  Colossians 3:1-17, which focus on character development. I’ve taken him up on the challenge all to my benefit, I must say. Here the followers of Jesus are instructed by the Apostle Paul to focus their hearts and minds on different matters than what the world around them has to offer. The true followers of Jesus now have a new position and have received new identity which is to be cherished and nurtured. I’ve come to realize that often my own soul is the last thing that I feed. Perhaps this is more what Lent was meant to be about in the first place.

Now that I’m working through memorizing these verses I see that my “old nature” can easily be fed to overflowing by the world around me. Perhaps many men in the past became monks so that they could escape the corruption of the world and they didn’t even have Facebook and Instagram to avoid!

On the other hand, I realize that in order for me to be the person God wants me to be, I have to listen compassionately and caringly to the world around me, being sensitive to what others are thinking and feeling. Perhaps Lent is a time to reassess what part belongs to me and what belongs to God. I think He has a lot more of a say in the matter than I.

I’m challenged by verse 15 of Colossians 3  – “And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.” (NLT) The question of who is truly ruling within comes into sharp focus – particularly during Lent.  

I must allow the peace that comes from Jesus Christ to rule my heart rather than the influences around me. When I do that, I will find how God wants me to be with others in the situation of life around me, no matter how dark or challenging it may seem. I know that I need to be kind, loving, caring and compassionate – but all those qualities are found in my new nature, imparted to me because of my relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

What about you? In this season of Lent will you think about what you are giving up or rather what might be shaping your character. I know that by doing both I’m seeking to gain a deeper intimacy with the One who desires to shape me and my character from the inside out.

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